When we are being creative we are expressing our inner feelings, emotions and imagination, responses to living experiences. We are giving them a voice through artistic mediums of music, dance, writing, visual art, craft and a variety of other creative outlets. All of these creative experiences are part of the recipe that makes us the person we are, our identity, our mob, and our community.
How often do we consider our creativity, our favourite music, books we enjoy, games we play, pictures, paintings, craft or the environment around us, aspects of ourselves that nourish our soul. The stories we tell about an experience, the symbols that we identify with, favourite songs that reflect moments in time, dances which unlock the joy of movement, all hold personal meanings. These are the creative aspects of ourselves which connect us to our deeper authentic self, the part of ourselves which needs to be honoured.
Creative Wellness gives you the opportunity to express yourself, acknowledge who you are, be grateful of those experiences and aspects of yourself and consciously celebrate your wisdom. It is this understanding of experience and validation of personal meaning that allows the possibility of insight, direction, change and personal growth.
My creativity has always had a place in my world, helping me make sense of the experiences of my life, given me the escape and support when all else seemed impossible and shown me a meaningful way of being in my world.